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EdgeWave ThreatCheck
Automated email incident response service

EdgeWave ThreatCheck

EdgeWave Products
EdgeWave ThreatCheck
EdgeWave ThreatCheck
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ThreatCheck is an automated email incident response service protecting companies from data breaches when phishing attacks reach the inbox by shrinking attacker dwell times and preventing email-borne malware from gaining a foothold in your network to exfiltrate your sensitive data. ThreatCheck enables a more robust security policy where employees can seamlessly report suspicious emails for threat investigation with the click of a button. ThreatCheck provides the most accurate threat intelligence by combining automated machine learning and human analysis to investigate and respond to phishing attacks in real-time. ThreatCheck increases employees’ security awareness and eliminates uncertainty while relieving the IT burden and complexity of directly managing incident response.

91% of successful data breaches started with a phishing attack.1

  • Real-Time Phishing Investigation Reporting & Response Real-time, end-user driven reporting of suspicious message to the EdgeWave Hybrid Threat Detection Center. Users received closed-loop communication with the results of the investigation and automated incident response.
  • Advanced Threat Intelligence & Analysis Automated machine learning and human analysis deliver the highest level of accuracy in threat detection and mitigation.
  • Global Policy & Content Removal Instant removal of a malicious message from the inbox; rules automatically applied to the global policy for all users.
  • Dynamic Quarantine Quarantine mechanism to evaluate untrusted content within the submitted messages, such as URLs. Suspicious emails automatically moved into a custom folder once submitted.
  • Centralized Management Ability for the SOC or IT administrators to configure notifications and frequency. View summary charts and set up customized reports for emails processed and categories assigned. ThreatCheck Outlook Plug-in Outlook Plug-in EdgeWave ThreatCheck Outlook Plug-in provides one-click reporting for your end users and instant email quarantine.

1 – Source: Verizon 2016 DBIR

Features & Benefits:

Real-Time Reporting & Response

Real-time, end-user driven reporting of suspicious message to the EdgeWave Hybrid Threat Detection Center. Users received closed- loop communication with the results of the investigation and automated incident response. ( Figures 1 & 2)

Figure 1 - EdgeWave ThreatCheck Outlook Plug-in provides one-click reporting for your end users and instant email quarantine.

Figure 2 - End users receive automatic status updates.

Advanced Threat Investigation & Analysis

Automated machine learning and human analysis deliver the highest level of accuracy in threat detection and mitigation.

Dynamic Quarantine

Quarantine mechanism to evaluate untrusted content within the submitted messages, such as URLs. Suspicious emails automatically moved into a custom folder once submitted. Global Policy & Content Removal

Instant removal of a malicious message from the inbox; rules automatically applied to the global policy for all users.

Centralized Management

Ability for the SOC or IT administrators to configure notifications and frequency. View summary charts and set up customized reports for emails processed and categories assigned. ( Figure 3)

Figure 3 - Centralized reporting provides IT administrators a global status view.

With more than 20 years of security experience, EdgeWave delivers the most accurate threat intelligence with our unique hybrid approach that combines automated machine learning and human analysis to investigate and respond to phishing attacks in real-time. ThreatCheck provides powerful detection and prevention of phishing, ransomware and other malicious email-borne and blended threats—closing the inbox security gap


Download the EdgeWave ThreatCheck Data Sheet (PDF).

Pricing Notes:

EdgeWave Products
EdgeWave ThreatCheck
EdgeWave ThreatCheck
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