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EdgeWave Email Continuity
High-Availability Messaging Protection

Email ContinuityEmail has become an indispensable tool in the normal functioning of virtually all organizations. Both internally and externally, email has replaced phone and faceto- face meetings as the primary way we communicate with colleagues, customers, partners and vendors. That's why even a few minutes of interruption can create a flood of help desk requests. Backup systems and archiving help retain your email, but they don't offer the real-time, web-based access that allows end-users to continue managing their stream of business email communications regardless of interruptions.

EdgeWave Email Continuity provides an uninterrupted flow of your email stream assuring your users access to their mail and empowering them to manage messaging and avoid any disruption in the flow of critical, legitimate business communications.



Email has become an indispensable tool in the normal functioning of virtually all organizations. Both internally and externally, email has replaced phone and face-to-face meetings as the primary way we communicate with colleagues, customers, partners and vendors. That's why even a few minutes of interruption can create a flood of help desk requests. Backup systems and archiving help retain your email, but they don't offer the real-time web-based access that allows end-users to continue managing their stream of business email communications regardless of interruptions.

EdgeWave Email Continuity provides an uninterrupted flow of your email stream assuring your users access to their mail and empowering them to manage messaging and avoid any disruption in the flow of critical, legitimate business communications.

EdgeWave assures that your users are never without email access:

  • If an interruption occurs, your messages are automatically spooled as soon as the destination mail server becomes unavailable.
  • Once enabled, users can easily access their email as if no interruption had happened:
    • Read, compose, reply to, forward and delete messages
    • Upload and download attachments
    • Perform full text searches of all the messages in their mailboxes
  • As administrator, you can implement rules to have the emails diverted to your users' "Sent Mai" folders to complete the activity synchronization.
  • It supports direct LDAP integration so end-users credentials can be configured to synchronize and will be cached during the outage
  • It provides a rolling 35-day archive of both inbound and outbound messages, which are made available for use during the interruption just as they would if messaging systems were working. Emails you are sending are retained for delivery as soon as your mail systems are back.

Email Downtime is Costly
The cost of email interruptions to your organization can be significant:

  • Lost Business - Without email, you can't process transactions, deliver or receive quotes and proposals, or respond to customers. You risk of losing customers and valuable customer prospects.
  • Compliance & Regulatory Risks - You could be more vulnerable to security exploits and regulatory compliance breaches as employees turn to personal messaging systems like gmail, hotmail, Facebook and others to bridge the interruption. In addition, outages might cause you to lose critical audit and tracking information, causing potentially damaging legal and/or regulatory exposure.
  • Damage To Reputation - Significant loss of your organization's good reputation can occur if your business-critical email is not promptly handled.
  • Lost Productivity - Osterman Research as found that when an email server is down, employees report being 25% less productive. This can translate into hundreds of thousandsof dollars in lost revenue and opportunities.


Continuous Email Availability
When an interruption occurs, your messages are automatically spooled as soon as the destination mail server becomes unavailable. Once enabled, users can access their email for normal business processes:

  • Read, compose, reply to, forward and delete messages
  • Upload and download attachments
  • Perform header text searches of all the messages in their mailboxes
  • The administrator can implement rules to have outbound messages diverted to users' Sent Mail folders to complete the activity synchronization.

Easy Administration
Email Continuity is managed through EdgeWave Messaging Security's central management interface. It supports direct LDAP integration so end-users' credentials can be configured to synchronize and will be cached during the outage.

Email Retention
Email Continuity provides a rolling 35-day archive of both inbound and outbound messages, which are made available for use during the interruption just as they would if messaging systems were working. Emails you are sending are retained for delivery as soon as your mail systems are back.

EdgeWave Email Continuity helps you protect your business reputation, maintain productivity and support compliance during outages for a fraction of the cost of a typical redundant email system During outages mail flow is not altered and all corporate policies that support the organization's compliance with industry regulations and corporate governance are maintained.


Q. Can I get continuity without EdgeWave Email Filtering?
A: No, you need EdgeWave Email Filtering because in order for Email Continuity to operate, it must process both inbound & outbound messages

Q. Does my email get synchronized after my email server is back up?
A: Yes, every email message you received is BCC'd while Email Continuity is enabled. Once your email server is back online, these messages are delivered to your inbox. In addition, your IT administrator can create a rule that assures all your sent messages will be delivered into the proper "Sent Mail" folder in your mailbox.

Q. What email servers are covered/able to be continued by this Email Continuity service?
A: Virtually all email servers are covered by this service.

Q. Can Email Continuity replace my current Email Service?
A: No, Email Continuity is designed to respond to planned or unplanned temporary email interruptions and is not meant to operate as a long-term solution

Q. Can I pay to store messages longer than 35 days?
A: No, however, EdgeWave Email Archive is an affordable solution for long-term email retention.

Q. How does the Email Continuity service integrate with EdgeWave archiving?
A: EdgeWave Email Archive captures locally-generated email and is configured at the email server, so no integration is required.

Q. Do you offer bundle pricing on EdgeWave Messaging Security services?
A: Contact Us

Q. I have hosted email, why do I need Email Continuity Services?
A: Email Continuity provides a full back up of any mail server whether hosted or on-premises. Your hosted service may not provide continuity protection.

Q. I have your Hosted Message Security service that spools messages, why do I need this additional service?
A: Spooling does not allow active management and viewing of spooled messages. EdgeWave Email Continuity allows users to read, reply to, forward and delete messages while your email server is offline.

Q. I have an EdgeWave Email Security managed appliance with Vx that spools messages during failure for 160 hours, why do I need this service?
A: Spooling does not allow active management and viewing of spooled messages. EdgeWave Email Continuity allows users to read, reply to, forward and delete messages while your email server is offline.

Q. Will I have access to my contacts and calendar events with this service?
A: No, Email Continuity only manages and processes email

Q. Can I use my own email client (Outlook) with this service?
A: No, you must use the Web interface during the outage to receive and send messages. This allows for synchronization once the mail server has been restored.


Download the EdgeWave Email Continuity Data Sheet (PDF).